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Rick Townley

“It’s Been a Hard Day’s Night”

After a long hiatus, the Boomer’s Only crew is back in action. Yawn.

Yes, we’re back. And a lot happened in the past month. For one thing, it went from February to March, then from March to April. We notice little details like that. Well, we were moving and that’s why the absence. The rumor that we were trying to avoid the IRS is complete and utter nonsense. Besides, like all small businesses, we have to really hustle to pay more taxes so the big guys like GE can avoid taxes altogether. A reasonable situation considering the quality products they bring to us. Except for that stove we had where the handles melted off.

Other things that have happened in the world…we seem to have gotten involved in a few more wars when we weren’t looking, the economy is still in the tank, jobs are still scarce and Charlie Sheen was lucky enough to have a job but got himself fired. Our intrepid newsman Fred left us and is seeking backers for FNC. Not “Fox News Channel,” but “Fred’s News Channel.” So far he’s found one affliate station in Moosebutt, South Dakota.

The NY Times has launched a subscription plan for it’s digital products. They now give away, for free, 20 op-ed articles thinly disguised as news, but charge if you need more coverage of Michael Moore. We will continue to provide our content for free because we can’t find anyone who would pay for it unless we provide 24/7 coverage of Charlie Sheen. On the other side of the aisle, Fox News, the “fairly unbalanced” channel, seems to be promoting Donald Trump for the next presidential run. We really can’t think of anything funny to say about that.

Thanks to all our readers who are still with us for, …um, still being with us. We are scouring the planet to find funny things to write about, but since “funny” is in such short supply these days we  may have to supplement content with “merely humorous” now and then. We considered adding “stupid” for a time, because it’s so plentiful today, but we decided not to go past “mildly amusing.” As always, we will try to avoid politics, potty humor and explicit sexual content, which pretty much dooms our chances of success as a publication but so be it.

If you are reading this and work for the IRS, we promise to provide a forwarding address as soon as we can find the local post office. In the meantime please contact our law firm, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. If you do NOT work for the IRS, we encourage your feedback in our comments section as always.

Sincerely, The Editors

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